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Sunday, 1 September 2013

3rd InSPA Conference at NIEPMD, Chennai 22-24 November 2013

National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities (NIEPMD) was established in the year 2005, on East Coast Road, Muttukadu, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, (about 30 km from Chennai Central railway station, City bus terminus and airport) Under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India, to serve as a national resource center for empowerment of persons with Multiple Disabilities such as those with two or more disabilities in a person. The disabilities enumerated as per PWD (1995) Act, are Low Vision, Blindness, Locomotor Disability, Hearing Impairment, Mental Retardation, Mental Illness, Persons affected by leprosy and as per the National Trust (1999) Act, are Cerebral Palsy and Autism.
The vision is the persons with Multiple Disabilities have equal rights to lead a better quality of life. This may be enabled with committed professionalism, accessible environment, equal opportunities, positive attitudes and appropriate, affordable, acceptable and available technological interventions. The objectives are:

  • To undertake development of human resources for management, training rehabilitation, education, employment and social development of persons with Multiple Disabilities.
  • To promote and conduct research in all areas relating to Multiple Disabilities
  • To develop transdisciplinary models and strategies for social rehabilitation and to meet the needs of diverse groups of people with Multiple Disabilities.
  • To undertake services and outreach programs for the persons with Multiple Disabilities.

School Psychology Services to Multiple Disabled Children

  • Developing initiatives to introduce school psychology services to multiple disabled children in India
  • Exposition of various models of training in school psychology 
  • Exposition of application of school psychology practices in India
  • Exploring the possibilities of updating curriculum for school psychology services. 
  • Developing e-contents, ICT applications in the field of school psychology services. 

To achieve the objectives described above, there will be three plenary sessions and eight concurrent scientific sessions. Each of these sessions will be devoted to one of the main objectives. The plenary sessions will have invited speakers only.
The keynote address by Prof. Peter Farrell, United Kingdom will examine the central theme of the conference giving answers to the following questions:

  1. How could be popularized school psychology services to the multiple disabled children in India?
  2. What could be done school psychology do to make life better for all children in general and multiple disabled children in particular?
  3. How could the professionals work with parents, teachers and institutions to develop school psychology services to multiple disabled children?

Children Assembly
Children assembly will be held on second day of the conference at 11.00 a.m.
The multiple disabled children from various places in around Chennai and Puducherry regions will assemble and interact with the experts.
Cultural Event
Cultural event will be arranged on first day evening at 7.00 p.m. followed by Dinner.
Social Event
A site seeing trip will be arranged to Mahabalipuram on the first day afternoon at 5.00 p.m.
School Psychology Services Award 2013
An eminent person will be honoured with School Psychology Services Award 2013 for his/her outstanding contribution in the field of school psychology and multiple disabled children.
Presentation Guidelines  
Proposals for symposia, workshops, individual paper, and poster presentations are invited. Today, school communities are challenged with many psycho-socio issues of children from different ethnicities, races, languages, religions, abilities, and disabilities. The School Psychology should be promoted in India to cater to the needs of the parents, teachers, school administration and policy makers.
Papers: The purpose of a paper presentation is to present research findings and innovative practices. (20 minutes  for each paper, including questions from participants). Papers should report on recent developments in applied educational or school psychology in relation to the theme of the conference.
Posters: The purpose is to offer a visual display of presentation, in an attractive way, on a given poster space. Presenters should also offer additional information (leaflets, or brochures) to take away.
Symposia: A symposium permits discussion of a main topic from various points of view. A co-ordinator is responsible for inviting presenters to speak (Format: one co-ordinator and two or more invited presenters, with 20 minutes each for presentation).
Workshops: The purpose of workshop is to enable a practitioner, researcher, or other educational professional  to present specific new techniques, methods and tools for psychologists from a practical point of view in relation to the conference theme (Format: 60 to 120 minutes, involving interactive and co-operative activities and discussions among a limited number of participants. In some instances, the participants may need to register in advance).
Submission of Papers:
Delegates are requested to submit their abstracts/ papers following APA style (refer website: for writing a research paper) on any of the listed sub themes. To ensure a consistent high quality of all the presentations, participants are requested to submit the abstract for 100-200 words and full text less than 5000 words well in advance can be sent on or before 15th October, 2013. Abstract and full paper should be sent by email ( or hard copy with CD in MS-Word format only.
Registration Fee:
1  Out Station Delegates Rs.2,000
2  Local/Student delegates   Rs.1,000
3.  Accompanying Person Rs.1,000
No TA/DA will be paid to the participant delegates. However, simple accommodation will be provided on first-come-first-served basis for about 100 delegates.
For more information Contact:
Dr. Neeradha Chandramohan
Director, National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities (NIEPMD)
East Coast Road, Muttukadu, Kovalam Post
Chennai - 603112, Tamil Nadu, India.


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